As online transactions become more active, money transactions between individuals are becoming more active. In the past, most transactions were made through traders, and when I told them that it was a money transaction between individuals, I mainly talked about the situation where people around me lent me money but couldn’t get it back.

Recently, as second-hand transactions are made face-to-face or one-on-one transactions are becoming more active through online apps, fraud or financial situations are not cleared up in the process, leading to small civil lawsuits. What is a convenient way to file a small civil suit?
When considering the cost, time, and efficiency of proceeding the lawsuit, many people think that it is better to ignore the damage. This is not only because it takes a long time, but also because there are many people who feel uncomfortable because they have to go back and forth to the court many times.

However, we operate a small amount trial system that can be solved through relatively small amounts and simple procedures if the amount is equal to or greater than 1 million won or less than 30 million won as stipulated in Korean law. After submitting your application, you will be sentenced without a single visit or visit procedure.
If a dispute arises in this process, the case may be troublesome because it has to be settled in a formal lawsuit, but if not, many people are interested in securing executive officers who can take compulsory execution procedures such as seizure.

In fact, when a civil suit for small claims is used, the date of the debate is designated immediately, and the appeal or appeal is restricted as long as it does not fall under any special circumstances. In fact, it is possible to confirm the results of a single trial and finish the lawsuit in about 30 days. However, in order to see the results as expected, it is necessary to prevent the other party from filing an objection, so it is desirable to find evidence to support the claim thoroughly during the preparation process. Reasons for Utilizing the Performance Recommendation Decision System
When a small amount of evidence is secured, the implementation recommendation decision is easier to utilize. Since the judgment is made only by the document submitted by the plaintiff and the defendant without having to attend the court separately, the results can be seen quickly, and the defendant will repay the debt by the court’s decision.

Usually, in the process of deciding to give the defendant the opinion requested by the plaintiff before the final judgment, a long statute of limitations of 10 years is given, so if payment is not made within that period, the plaintiff can use the executive officer to forcibly seize or auction the debtor’s property.
However, if the debtor disagrees with the court’s decision, it is important to collect evidence thoroughly and be sentenced at once when applying, as the case will be moved to the case and the time required to be sentenced may be longer. After the ruling on the implementation recommendation decision system was made?
If no separate objection is filed, the judgment will be served to the plaintiff and defendant in the form of a copy of the decision. The plaintiff who secured the document will have the same enforcement effect as the judgment received through a civil trial.
If the defendant pays back the document, the case can be closed. If not, the debtor’s property must be checked through a property inquiry and applied for temporary restraining measures, auction or seizure before the debtor can dispose of it.

If the debtor has disposed of his or her property, the possibility of recovering it will naturally decrease as the amount of property that can be forcibly secured decreases. Therefore, in order to avoid a disadvantage, we must proceed with the debtor’s credit inquiry. It is important to note that even if an executive officer is secured, it is impossible for an individual to confirm the other party’s credibility or property in that he or she can be punished according to the Personal Information Protection Act.You can choose between explicit inquiry applications through courts and property and credit inquiries through debt collection companies. In the case of an application for an explicit property inquiry, it may take about three months to request a property declaration from the debtor through the court, but in the case of proceeding through a trader, the general information can be confirmed within a week.Furthermore, the debt collection company provides information on how to effectively collect debts based on the other party’s property and ability to fulfill debts, and, if necessary, it is difficult to proceed one by one by one, seek help.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image